Friday, November 21, 2014

Digital Badge #L

Technology Integration Stages and Issues:
Most of Lee County public schools classrooms I now take on the inclusion pattern when it comes to technology. The computer is only used for transferring information and practicing skills. Computers are only basically used to reinforce learning. When I think back on the reading from the text about a technology – integrated classroom I could only think how could our students reap the benefits of a technology- integrated classroom when we do not even have computers in every classroom, and students are now beginning to have laptops in the classroom, and even then not every grade level and every classroom have laptops. My daughter is in the 5th grade and will have to take the writing portion of what use to be called the FCAT Writes now 4th grade does not have to take it but, 5th grade does and the test is on the computer it has to be typed. However, my daughter only have about 8 computers in her classroom and they are having to pick numbers everyday so every students learns how to type not only does the students have to learn to type they also have to consider typing speed the test will be timed.  I can say lee district schools are behind when it comes to this area. Over the last couple of years the schools received Smart boards in the classrooms. I cannot even say this is an administrative problem this issue goes beyond that. The teachers are willing to add technology to the classrooms however; they do not have the means to do so.

Integrating Technology to Address the Participation Gap:
            I like the books idea of bring your own technology device from home to schools however, what about the schools the schools that are in low income areas were the families do not even have laptops or tablets. I think this would be a great way to get students involved to want to come to school. I know some children like to go to school because it introduces them to a world beyond their means. School to them is an opportunity for a better lifestyle. Cooperative learning and group work I think is also a great idea this I know works and students love working in groups especially young children I saw in a heterogeneous classroom the higher level group of students working together with the lower level students helping each other. I thought this was a good idea I saw the improvement of the lower level students come up. I was amazed, but happy to see that!

Using the Technology you have successfully:
            Successfully using the technology you have I know goes a long ways like I mentioned earlier with the amount of computers in my daughter’s class the students and her teacher they are making the best with how many she has and she also sent a letter home with the students explaining the test to parents and asking them if students have access to computers at home if they could please work on the typing program. I agree with the book computers are mind tools filled with information almost compared to how we use to view a book and reading everything you you ever wanted to know was in a book all you had to do was discipline yourself enough to pick it up and read it .  The computer has taken the place of a book as far as information is concerned. In addition I have to also take into consideration computer literacy you have to know what you are looking for and how to find it. The computer is like an on book full of information you just have to know how to find what you are looking for. However, the computer is so much better and faster it can do this that a book cannot do as far as graphics and sound effects and much more.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

1 comment:

  1. Getting our students ready for the future does require technology - no doubt. Sometimes it is difficult to prioritize funding for the infrastructure though and that will undoubtedly leave us behind. It is not an easy issue to resolve, but determination and persistence help! :) The teachers who are successful find ways to get their students on technology whether it be through grants, sharing devices, working with parents/outside agencies, etc. Though it shouldn't really rely on the individual teacher - it really is a district issue! - the reality is that teachers want to help their students be successful and they are the ones who see the students every day. As a parent, you do everything you can to help your students learn and be ready for the future - I know you will do that as a teacher, too! :)
