Saturday, September 27, 2014

Digital Badge #E

How technology generates problem solving and inquiry learning among students:
As I stated in one of my previous Blogs I think the background design of technology is a part of what caught student’s attention. When it comes to video games and the computer technology background images and audio sounds are appealing to the students senses which is the direct way we receive, respond, and process information.  I also think that technology enforces student centered learning why, the computer act as the teacher. It instructs students in an efficient and effective way which the design of technology convey information. The active engagement comes from the student who receives the information. This requires the mind to think in ways familiar to the students as a result, with the help of technology students then begin to incorporate new knowledge and understanding into their views and values as a result students begin to think critically and solve  problems this help move knowledge from a way of memorizing to knowledge actually learned. Memorization is a way of knowing without learning a way of answering without understanding it takes little thought process. What separates memorization from learning is a sense of meaning. It could be no other way. I have noticed this but I did not know why? I have learned video games separates lower order thinking from higher order thinking. Technology has shown a visual picture that knowledge is not fixed; No we cannot all understand it the same way. A teacher is human who can only teach so much. A computer can reach all the senses at once. This I think is the difference.  I feel this is why something is missing from teacher centered learning. I have now learned from this chapter that my understanding from my experience was right. Technology is moving education from teacher centered learning to Inquiry Based Learning.

 Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Technology:  

Inquiry based learning requires students to think mentally outside the normal to understand the world around us. By using real life issues to activity engage students.  This type of learning approves of children being creative and asking questions children are very curious they are rick takers this style of learning lets them be themselves with no right or wrong answers. Students learn how to investigate problems, issues, and questions to which there is not just one answer or predetermined answer students then begin to evaluate information draw their own conclusions and answers. I think that if students take these steps
  • Understand the problem
  •  Use problem solving strategies
  •  Determine if they have solved the problem

Then I think problem based learning is what video games teach children.
Personally this is why I want to be an educator. Life is not like a book that you can read to find an answer to. Real life that we as educators are preparing students to enter rarely have well-structured problems. I know some children have learned this very young their lifestyle has already introduced these problems to them without a full understanding. 

Digital Games For Learning:
          My 3rd grader comes home from school Friday talking about Centers in the classroom. One of the centers is computer center he does compass Learning which has math, science, and Language Art and social studies. When I read about digital learning I thought this must be what his teacher is using to engage the students and reinforce learning. While she is conducting a science lesson from her small group the students are learning their lesson from the interaction from the computer.

1 comment:

  1. Your posts are always enjoyable to read - you obviously spend some time pondering the points and finding a way to relate them to your own thoughts and/or experience. The concepts you highlighted are all important - I think it particularly interesting to explore the relationship of digital games as they relate to problem solving an inquiry learning. Though not all games qualify, of course, there's gathering evidence that they can quickly shoot to the core of problem solving, strategizing, sequencing, and various other skills not often mastered in the traditional learning models.

    Don't forget to add the resource section with at least your textbook reference in APA format for future!!!
