Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Digital Badge #F

Photo By Daniel Iversen Flickr

Integrating Electronic Communication into Your Teaching:

Photo By Sean MacEntee Flickr

 I personally like this new area to technology.  Social Networking has increased the rate and quality of collaboration for students. They are better able to communicate meeting times or share information quickly instant message,  texting ,email, wikis, and google docs has increase productivity and helped students  learn how to work well in groups. Like we just learned how to do with the Wiki assignment being able to get instant feedback from friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path they may want to pursue. Wow! Look how far we have come within the last couple of years. When I look back when I first started at FSW things were not this popular. Three years ago when I first took Intro to Education I do not recall any information about group collaborations on the computer. I did not get introduced to computer group collaborations until my second year at FSW in my public speaking class Google DOCs and my Ethics class a wiki. I did not understand why I has to do these group assignments on the computer when I was a ground student but, now I am thankful for the experience I learned.

Websites and Blogs for Teachers and Students:
Photo By Denise Krebs flickr

All I can stay for this if thank you for whoever made this possible and I thank the teachers who have contributed to information to blogs. I have used teacher’s instructional blogs as a reference to reteach my son subjects he did not understand in class and to get information on how to teach the subjects to him. Such as reading right now we are working on the Main Idea and supporting details. Which details are major details and which ones are minor details this is where he gets confused. I also like you always know what’s going on theirs calenderer's, and worksheets to help reinforce learning and also helpful web links you can go to if you need the extra help.  How teacher’s blog posts have made it more known how schools teach different subjects and the way the teachers teach the students makes a whole lot of difference.


Using Email and Text Messaging as a teacher:

Photo By Brad Garner Flickr
I remember 2011 when my ENC 0028 Professor told me I had to create a Linked in account, a Blogger account, and either a twitter or a Facebook account I was not happy. All I could think to myself was, I am in a writing class why do I need to set up this account? What do they have to do with writing? Little did I know, I was going to use them now? Of course I email my professor asking her about the purpose of the accounts she answers me by email from her cellar phone. When I notice this I was shocked she was different from my others professors she carried around a tablet and did all the grading from her tablet. She told the class the purpose from the account was to introduce us ready for social Networking.  I later learned in my composition two for business class that this is used a lot in the world of business cell phone, emails, memos, and business letters for advertising they use the internet. Now our society cannot live without social networking for personal and business reasons. I like the quick response from professors some use their iPhone and androids and iPads to communicate with us students. And the wide range of resources it offer to students.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing to think about the increased use and complexity of technology use as it relates to communication and collaboration - in such a short time! Though it is moving at lightning speed in the 'real world', we have not capitalized on it with positive focus at the same rate of speed. Still, you have noticed some significant differences! Wonder what that says to how far behind education really is!?! No matter - it would sure be hard to go back to pre-Internet days.

    For the technical side, your photos provide an Flickr attribution, but their is no hyperlink of Flickr to allow the reader to click on and 1) see the photo on the original website to get more information about the photo/photographer or 2) check to be sure of the Creative Commons license. And you link to the teaching channel needs to be hyperlinked within the text as it is relevant - for example, you could hyperlink it "teacher's blog posts" - let me know if questions.
