Monday, October 20, 2014

Digital Badge #H

Multimedia Technologies in Schools Today:

Photo Credit to Kathy Cassidy Flickr

When it comes to technology education has been behind in the game. Schools have now over the last ten years or so have just started making technology to aide academics being part of the curriculum with technology in the forefront. Our 21st century schools now have academies in our local high schools to help make technology stand out for example,  Ida S. Baker high school in cape coral specialize in technology. Teachers use a lot of computer video presentations like YouTube, PowerPoint, Prezi, and also the smart board to teach different subjects now. I think multimedia presentations stimulate more than one sense at a time, and in doing so, may be more attention-getting and attention-holding. By schools becoming- technology-infused learning for students is enhanced using multimodal learning instead of single mode learning. I think this is successful because I requires you to use more than one lobe of your brain at the same time by students not all learning in the same way this model targets all the different parts of the brain that aids in learning to recall information. Multimedia tools I feel do create hands on minds on learning by students engaging in active learning students will then begin to apply higher order thinking skills to succeed in learning.

PowerPoint and Next Generation Presentation Tools:
 I personally am not a good note taker the teacher usually talks faster than I can write to keep up. I prefer presentations like slide shows they help me not only see the information but they also give me an example of how my assignment may look when it’s finished In addition, I tend to remember the entire group discussions we do in class as a whole. Over the last few years technology have add wiki’s and Prezi’s to the addition for Next-Generation web 2.0 tools. We can zoom our presentations in and out; we can work on together from a distance. We can also load text, data, and images to graphics we have created a way to make learning new information fun while learning at the same time. I think students like this because they can have fun and learn at the same time.
Photo Credit to Wesley Fryer on Wesley Fryer Blog

Photo- Taking and Movie-Making with Students:
The title of this seems unreal taking pictures in school, making a movie in school at one time being a camera to school you would have gotten in trouble if the teacher even knew you had it. And making a movie in school seems unheard of The new 21st century generation of students has made digital media possible. This area I think is still really new to the field of education. In the public school system the only time I have seen students making videos is for either yearbook club or for extracurricular activities. Such as high school sports games to up load on YouTube. Student are involved in some way of their daily lives with videos and pictures the TV or,  movies students have an interest in creating and viewing visual images this and if teachers incorporated the interest of students into academic material then this could not only benefit the students but also the teacher. I think even we as adults when we look back at a photo that was taken when we were younger we tend to hold on to those memories because they were fun to us and had meaning behind the photo. I think students also share the same thought concept on pictures as we do. I remember the old say pictures are worth a thousand words.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job on getting your Prezi embedded! :) Next time, instead of adding so much text, just put in a few key words or summary statement and then some multimedia (i.e., photo or video)! Great Creative Commons licensed photos to enhance your concepts, too. Visual literacy is so vital.

    Love your comments on cameras and video cameras - it is so common place to see folks take out their cell phones to capture a photo and/or a short video to remember the moment. I'm surprised (am disappointed) you haven't seen much of it in the classrooms you've visited - seems like it would be an engaging way to capture student attention and then connect to learning.
