Sunday, December 7, 2014

Final: Reflective Post

Photo credit to Karola Riegler on Flickr

I survived EME2040 the class the class I have been putting off taking for the last two years, now in my last semester to graduate I decide to not only take the class but, also to take it online something I personally would not have chosen to do however, because of my limited transportation and finance tissues I had to go beyond my comfort traditional preferences of ground campus classes to online just to finish my last two courses. Although I finished the course I still do not have a full picture on all the technology teachers use on a day to day bases it just seems like teachers use more technology than I can say I learned going into the world of education as a soon to be teacher. Maybe it’s because this class is an introductory class I am not sure. In addition I thought in this class I would learn how to use the programs that teachers in the school systems use such as the smart board, the grading system and just some of the programs they use to do the lesson plans so we as beginning teachers at least would have been exposed to the programs and have some knowledge of how to use the programs.

 I just thought we could have done a little more to prepare us from an actual classroom setting stand point. I think maybe for the future it would not be such a bad idea to show becoming teachers a little bit of the world of a teacher other than showing just the teacher teaching students there is so much more that we need such as classroom management some teachers are skilled and are good teachers but, lack strong classroom management skills. This is an area I have not heard too much about since I first enrolled back in 2011 in education this is not taught a whole lot it has been a hit and miss, however, this is a big problem for new teachers. Other than this the part of the course I really liked was the webpage and the instructional wiki. All I could think about was how is this going to be a group project we do not see each other like we do at a ground campus I was trying to figure that one out. Again all I could say was oh that’s how it works. I liked the end presentation when all of it came together I was impressed by how creative it was showing how different we all are and some strategies we could use to help aid in learning with these differences.

When I first started the webpage it was hard for me to understand how to use the drag and drop I did not see where it told me to do that maybe I just didn't see it. But after I got the hang of it I stated to outdo myself, I shocked my own self! How good of a job I did on my webpage I must say so myself. I did not know I could also use the webpage as a portfolio to show from a professional stand point to show off a little bit of my work. I liked that because I have never took the time to put together one and I did not know for education this maybe a good way for me to show my work that could set me aside from another candidate applying for the same teaching position I maybe applying for. I just did not think I needed to I thought the old fashion resume and cover letter was good enough however, now I think this is a better way. Thank you for enlightening me to see beyond the traditional ways when I think about it that’s what 21st century learning is all about seeing things in a new way.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Friday, November 21, 2014

Digital Badge #L

Technology Integration Stages and Issues:
Most of Lee County public schools classrooms I now take on the inclusion pattern when it comes to technology. The computer is only used for transferring information and practicing skills. Computers are only basically used to reinforce learning. When I think back on the reading from the text about a technology – integrated classroom I could only think how could our students reap the benefits of a technology- integrated classroom when we do not even have computers in every classroom, and students are now beginning to have laptops in the classroom, and even then not every grade level and every classroom have laptops. My daughter is in the 5th grade and will have to take the writing portion of what use to be called the FCAT Writes now 4th grade does not have to take it but, 5th grade does and the test is on the computer it has to be typed. However, my daughter only have about 8 computers in her classroom and they are having to pick numbers everyday so every students learns how to type not only does the students have to learn to type they also have to consider typing speed the test will be timed.  I can say lee district schools are behind when it comes to this area. Over the last couple of years the schools received Smart boards in the classrooms. I cannot even say this is an administrative problem this issue goes beyond that. The teachers are willing to add technology to the classrooms however; they do not have the means to do so.

Integrating Technology to Address the Participation Gap:
            I like the books idea of bring your own technology device from home to schools however, what about the schools the schools that are in low income areas were the families do not even have laptops or tablets. I think this would be a great way to get students involved to want to come to school. I know some children like to go to school because it introduces them to a world beyond their means. School to them is an opportunity for a better lifestyle. Cooperative learning and group work I think is also a great idea this I know works and students love working in groups especially young children I saw in a heterogeneous classroom the higher level group of students working together with the lower level students helping each other. I thought this was a good idea I saw the improvement of the lower level students come up. I was amazed, but happy to see that!

Using the Technology you have successfully:
            Successfully using the technology you have I know goes a long ways like I mentioned earlier with the amount of computers in my daughter’s class the students and her teacher they are making the best with how many she has and she also sent a letter home with the students explaining the test to parents and asking them if students have access to computers at home if they could please work on the typing program. I agree with the book computers are mind tools filled with information almost compared to how we use to view a book and reading everything you you ever wanted to know was in a book all you had to do was discipline yourself enough to pick it up and read it .  The computer has taken the place of a book as far as information is concerned. In addition I have to also take into consideration computer literacy you have to know what you are looking for and how to find it. The computer is like an on book full of information you just have to know how to find what you are looking for. However, the computer is so much better and faster it can do this that a book cannot do as far as graphics and sound effects and much more.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Digital Badge #K

WebQuests, Virtual Field Trips, and Videoconferencing:

Although I have only noticed WebQuests, video conferencing used as a way to deliver professional development in the form of online courses from universities and publishers; and discussion boards; live chats like the military families way to communicate with their loved ones. I think WebQuests can be another excellent way to present information to students in a way that allows them to access information at their own convenience and at their own pace while utilizing the vast resources of the Internet. While previous Web Watch columns have typically focused on Internet resources for teachers, this column focuses on a particular resource for teachers that have direct implications for literacy teaching and learning for students. For me this is a new area of exploring however, I do like the fact that students nor teachers do not have to worry about not having the funding for field trip they can take virtual field trips around the world if they want too. I think this is cool I have been exploring with my daughter using Google Earth. Lee County Schools have not had the chance to explore this new area with the students yet it is still new. My daughter did not know about Google Earth.

Online Learning and Virtual Schools:

            Distance education is becoming a more vital part of the higher education family. Just about every major university offers some online courses. Distance education reaches a broader student audience, better addresses student needs opposed to traditional learning. Educators support online learning because of its unique abilities to provide students with enriched learning experiences, to extend learning beyond the school day, and to support more successful differentiated learning strategies that personalize students’ educational experiences. Additionally, as educators gain more experience with the approaches to and benefits of blended learning. Today’s digital native students expect their learning environment to include technology because it is an intrinsic part of their lives. I personally prefer blended learning opposed to the traditional learning environment. However, I do have some concerns when it comes to charter schools vs public education my concerns have to do with standards.  I worked at a charter school and the students were not on the same learning standards as the students attending lee county public schools. I am aware of that charter schools do not have to abide by district standards. Therefore when the students had to be placed in a lee county schools they we not up to grade level. I hope in the future this will change.

Educational Websites As Teaching Resources:

            Educational websites such as YouTube has been major teaching resources for not only teachers but as for students as well. I did not realize there were so many helpful website to go to for academic support help not only in math and reading but also in many of the other subjects. I think in this fast paced 21 century we need the resources to keep up. I have so little to say here because of all the information out there right now just a few clicks away.  I am still amazed at all the helpful websites to use. My only problem is how would you know where to find them? I try to keep up with the world of education because of the love I have for children but, even I did not know until now reading this chapter the different website resources I could have used them to help my son. My daughter is so amazed at the different science websites, she loves science thank you this chapter has been an eye opener for my family.  

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Digital Badge #J

Involving Students in learning and Assessment:
Learning is a complex process. It entails not only what students know but what they can do with what they know; it involves not only knowledge and abilities but values, attitudes, and habits of mind that affect both academic success and performance beyond the classroom. Assessment should reflect these understandings I think by employing a diverse array of methods including those that call for actual performance, using them over time so as to reveal change, growth, and increasing degrees of integration. Such an approach aims for a more complete and accurate picture of learning, and therefore firmer bases for improving our students' educational experience. Assessment requires attention to outcomes but also an equally to the experiences that lead to those outcomes. Information about outcomes is of high importance; where students "end up" matters greatly I think speaking as a parent. But to improve outcomes, we need to know about student experience along the way about the curricula, teaching, and kind of student effort that lead to particular outcomes. Assessment can help understand which students learn best under what conditions; with such knowledge comes the capacity to improve the whole of their learning. I have seen the theory of this come to life at my children school for the past seven years. My children have student led conferences that the student led the parents into and it also shows a reflection of their work for the entire quarter along with the objectives. I have seen samples of all their work and grades for every report card this is a requirement the school set in place to not only involve the students, but also the parents. My daughter is now in fifth grade and this has been in place since she started in the pre-K with Tropic Isles Elementary School. This schools motto says Assessment is most effective when it reflects an understanding of learning as multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time. This way they show what they have said.   

Portfolios and Reflection:
I personally have an interest in this subject so I choose this area not knowing a lot about portfolios and reflections. I have done portfolios for classes however; I have not done any to show my accomplishments for career reflection this is where I would like to know more information about since this is my last semester of general education classes before I begin classes within my career focus. I have experience in the field of education but, I still have not put anything together to set me aside from other candidate’s coming into the field of education with no experience. I would like to learn how to put together a portfolio for this purpose. Portfolio contains samples of the learner's work and shows growth over time. An important keyword is reflection: By reflection on their own work, learners begin to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their own work (self-assessment). The weaknesses then become improvement goals. In portfolio assessment it is the quality that counts, not the quantity. I know different schools may create different forms of portfolios. Some schools create portfolios that are a representative sample of the learners' work, while other schools use the portfolios as an assessment tool that can be an alternative to classical classroom tests and standardized teacher evaluation. I personally have an interest in Reflections portfolio assessment the learners reflect on their own work. The reflections should say something about why the learners have made the choices they have made in the portfolio, and describe the method used to arrive at the final result. If two learners submit the same work for assessment, the individual reflections may make the difference. Even if a learner has failed with the content presented in the assessment portfolio to a certain degree, he or she might be rewarded for mature reflections on the work. I learned I my career preparation class that this is how employer’s select candidate’s in the world of Business for jobs. Portfolios look better than resumes sometimes there are your resume.

Revealing Misconceptions:
Students do not come to school as blank slates to be filled with instruction. Rather, they come to school with considerable knowledge, some correct and some not. Either way, that knowledge is based on intuition, every-day experience, as well as what they have been taught in other settings. Since a considerable amount of our knowledge is organized by subject matter (mathematics, science, etc.), so too are our preconceptions when it comes to building on concepts learned I think. Before beginning instruction on any new topic, teachers need to know their students’ preconceptions because learning, and therefore instruction itself, varies depending on whether students’ preconceptions agree with the concepts being taught or contradict those concepts. I see this a lot with my son he builds new concepts on how his teachers has taught him to do different subject such as math if it’s not said to him similar to the way the teacher taught the lesson to him in class he becomes confused, and will say I’ll ask my teacher when I go back to school or he will say that’s not the way we did it in class mommy. So it is sometimes hard for me to teach him when I do not know how the lesson was taught in class. I think when teachers can see where the misconceptions are happening student learning and achievement can increase when teachers better understand their students’ thinking about a concept. Furthermore, when teachers listen to and comprehend student thinking, it can expand their understanding of the subject matter, change their beliefs on how to teach, modify their practices and contribute to their professional growth. I know this works it happened for me in the college prep math lab on campus and my professor Ms. Eggleston took me from college prep math all the way to college math by learning the way I learned and helped me to pass not only college prep math but also college math.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc

Friday, October 24, 2014

Digital Badge #I

Information Literacy as a Learning Goal:
Information literacy transforms an ordinary student into a "wise information consumer" and "lifelong learner."  I always thought Information literacy was just something you "do" to learn about in college; I never looked at it as a way of becoming "information literate" which is something you become, via your coursework and personal experiences and interactions with information. Information literacy skills are not learned right away but, it’s something developed over time. In addition We, have learned the basics aspects of information literacy include using information technologies, such as personal computers, e-mail, software programs, and the Internet in the comforts of our homes in a way of entertainment and social media, however, information literacy involving the evaluation of the information you obtain using the Internet and online electronic resources I have personally only learned and used in college for academics such as writing a research papers. By reading this section in the book I can now see the relationship between college work preparing a person beyond college into a career the primary goals are to get people thinking critically about the information they encounter, the ability to use information technologies effectively to find and manage information, and the ability to critically evaluate and ethically apply that information to solve a problem are the characteristics of an information literate individual, Which includes the spirit of inquiry and perseverance to find out what is necessary to get the job done. These are the characteristics employers look for in an employee. I never would have made the connection that information literacy is the hidden source linking the two together. Now I do not have to wonder anymore about if I will ever use all the classes I am paying for in college in my career.

Evaluating online Information:
We live in the Information Age, and "information" is increasing at a rapid pace. We have the Internet, television, radio, and other information resources available to us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, just because so much information is so easily and quickly available does not mean that all of it is worthwhile or even true. Because of resources like the Internet, finding high-quality information is now harder than ever, not easier!  Finding the good stuff is not always quick!  And the good stuff does not always come cheaply, either! (In short, to make it in today's Information Age, you have to be even faster--not lower--than your computer but how can that be) To make matters worse, just because you know how to use a particular information technology today does not mean that there is not another one right behind it that you will have to learn how to use tomorrow! Once seemingly exotic technologies like "word processing" and "electronic mail" are now commonplace, but at one time, they were amazing and revolutionary. (To some of us, they still are). Today's employers are looking for people who understand and can adapt to the characteristics of the Information Age. If a student has "learned how to learn," upon graduation, they are a much more attractive job candidate. An information literate individual--with their strong analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills can be expected to be an adaptable, capable and valuable employee, with much to contribute.

Teaching Students about Internet Searching:
            There are billions of pages of information on the World Wide Web, and finding relevant and reliable information can be a challenge. Search engines are powerful tools that index millions of web sites. When entering a keyword into a search engine, you will receive a list with the number of hits or results and links to the related sites. The number of hits you receive may vary a great deal among different search engines. Some engines search only the titles of the web sites, and others search the full text. Search engines designed for younger students are useful tools for the classroom. They screen for inappropriate material and provide appropriate sites for students on topics related to educational and entertainment purposes. Using these sites helps to narrow the scope of hits on a search inquiry. As a result, the student will spend less time reading irrelevant material. I think this is great information I did not know there were so many kid friendly web search tools. Speaking as a parent I like the fact that some  search engines allow you to turn on filters to help filter out adult content, they are not always thorough or accurate. There are several good search engines that are specifically designed for the younger audience, such as Ask Jeeves and Yahooligans. My children safety is my main concern when they are on the web. I often wondered why some websites like National Geographic, and PBS kid’s content is so easy for children to comprehend. Their website is a search site designed for children with age- appropriate curriculum resources. Think when students are able to read and understand the material they fine online they do learn how to access and assess the information independently. I also think this maybe why most children like surfing the web.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Digital Badge #H

Multimedia Technologies in Schools Today:

Photo Credit to Kathy Cassidy Flickr

When it comes to technology education has been behind in the game. Schools have now over the last ten years or so have just started making technology to aide academics being part of the curriculum with technology in the forefront. Our 21st century schools now have academies in our local high schools to help make technology stand out for example,  Ida S. Baker high school in cape coral specialize in technology. Teachers use a lot of computer video presentations like YouTube, PowerPoint, Prezi, and also the smart board to teach different subjects now. I think multimedia presentations stimulate more than one sense at a time, and in doing so, may be more attention-getting and attention-holding. By schools becoming- technology-infused learning for students is enhanced using multimodal learning instead of single mode learning. I think this is successful because I requires you to use more than one lobe of your brain at the same time by students not all learning in the same way this model targets all the different parts of the brain that aids in learning to recall information. Multimedia tools I feel do create hands on minds on learning by students engaging in active learning students will then begin to apply higher order thinking skills to succeed in learning.

PowerPoint and Next Generation Presentation Tools:
 I personally am not a good note taker the teacher usually talks faster than I can write to keep up. I prefer presentations like slide shows they help me not only see the information but they also give me an example of how my assignment may look when it’s finished In addition, I tend to remember the entire group discussions we do in class as a whole. Over the last few years technology have add wiki’s and Prezi’s to the addition for Next-Generation web 2.0 tools. We can zoom our presentations in and out; we can work on together from a distance. We can also load text, data, and images to graphics we have created a way to make learning new information fun while learning at the same time. I think students like this because they can have fun and learn at the same time.
Photo Credit to Wesley Fryer on Wesley Fryer Blog

Photo- Taking and Movie-Making with Students:
The title of this seems unreal taking pictures in school, making a movie in school at one time being a camera to school you would have gotten in trouble if the teacher even knew you had it. And making a movie in school seems unheard of The new 21st century generation of students has made digital media possible. This area I think is still really new to the field of education. In the public school system the only time I have seen students making videos is for either yearbook club or for extracurricular activities. Such as high school sports games to up load on YouTube. Student are involved in some way of their daily lives with videos and pictures the TV or,  movies students have an interest in creating and viewing visual images this and if teachers incorporated the interest of students into academic material then this could not only benefit the students but also the teacher. I think even we as adults when we look back at a photo that was taken when we were younger we tend to hold on to those memories because they were fun to us and had meaning behind the photo. I think students also share the same thought concept on pictures as we do. I remember the old say pictures are worth a thousand words.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Digital Badge #G

Creating culturally relevant curriculum and instruction:
Photo Credit to Keoni Cabral on Flickr
I always thought students benefited from connecting school assignments with the issues and concerns they are experiencing of their own everyday life. I know I was this student it was easy for me to remember and learn new information by things I connected them to things of reality. I guess I can say I am like this now. I write my essays papers and recall information around my life experiences. I found it easier to talk about a topic when you are going through it than it is to talk about when you can’t relate to it. We are all so different and come from many different backgrounds and cultures. That I feel this is why it is hard for some teachers to teach to different populations of people. Sometimes not having a full understanding of something can make you not want to leave your comfort zone because you can’t see the unknown. It thinks it takes a special teacher who can organize teaching and learning to achieve multiple outcomes at the same. That way students not only get the textbook knowledge but, they also get the knowledge of society as well. Sometimes I know personally speaking things that were happening in my life when I was young clashed with the textbook it made me want to be the person in the textbook more. So that I did not have to face reality at home but, as the school day started to end I knew in the back of my mind that I had to go home. I think knowing who you are is a major factor to successful succeeding it make you feel complete. I think some students do need to be able to see the importance of both so school does not seem like a fairy tale compared to life when life does not come together like a textbook. This I know may seem unrealistic but, to a kid coming from an inner city school this is reality.

Universal Design for Learning:
Photo Credit to lloydcrew on Flickr

 How will schools serve all  students individual learning needs.I I recognize how the brain process information play apart in learning that is why some children are left or right brained users. I realize this concept from my son. How we as people process information to accommodate not only board students but also to accommodate students with short attention spans like my son. Maybe this will be a way to hold his attention if he had more than one way to see things especially if he could get multiple means of engagement. This says to me interactive activities. This says to me less time talking more interaction activities with students. My son’s teacher tells me he has a short attention span; he has a busy body that will not let him focus. He told me he did not want to hear her talk anymore he got tired of listening. All I can see how universal designs of learning could increase learning opportunities for all students. By it being universal the curriculum should target every background of each student in addition to their strengths, needs, and interests. This I feel could help stop students from feeling different when it comes to the barriers of learning so student face. I personally want to know more about how  our 21st century schools implement UDL's into curriculum. 

Interactive Electronic Storybooks and Storybook Apps:

Photo Credit to heraldpost on Flickr
 Early childhood toddlers love the storybook Apps. My children had Leap Frog read along when they were young and the loved it. They also had vetch learning aids.The rewards were numerous they were stimulating and fun, encourages the use of imagination, and provides information and knowledge. For preschool children listening to stories is a powerful emergent literacy activity which promotes the development of beginning language and interactive communication, and provides a platform for acquiring reading and writing skills. Listening to different kinds of stories helps the child learn new words, develop longer sentences, and combine information logically and sequentially. Currently we are experiencing exciting new developments in the availability of story books on computer, described as computerized or electronic books. Stories read aloud by the computer  particularly those incorporating recently improved technologies in voice and sound, graphics, and memory capacity, provide a powerful experience for any child. I think this targets every part of the brain and students are actively engaged in the activity they are reading.
Electronic story books are particularly effective examples of the use of technology to include children with disabilities in activities that occur naturally within their environment. With the support of Assistive Technology and adaptive access techniques, computerized story book reading also provides a powerful equalizer in the classroom. A child with special needs such as the loss of motor control due to cerebral palsy can independently enjoy "turning the pages" of a story book along with their typically developing peers. A child who is visually impaired can have the text enlarged or can listen to stories while turning pages. The development of alternative access methods has paralleled the evolution in electronic storybooks in general, and new techniques to overcome access issues are constantly becoming available.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Digital Badge #F

Photo By Daniel Iversen Flickr

Integrating Electronic Communication into Your Teaching:

Photo By Sean MacEntee Flickr

 I personally like this new area to technology.  Social Networking has increased the rate and quality of collaboration for students. They are better able to communicate meeting times or share information quickly instant message,  texting ,email, wikis, and google docs has increase productivity and helped students  learn how to work well in groups. Like we just learned how to do with the Wiki assignment being able to get instant feedback from friends and family on their creative outlets helps students refine and develop their artistic abilities and can provide much needed confidence or help them decide what career path they may want to pursue. Wow! Look how far we have come within the last couple of years. When I look back when I first started at FSW things were not this popular. Three years ago when I first took Intro to Education I do not recall any information about group collaborations on the computer. I did not get introduced to computer group collaborations until my second year at FSW in my public speaking class Google DOCs and my Ethics class a wiki. I did not understand why I has to do these group assignments on the computer when I was a ground student but, now I am thankful for the experience I learned.

Websites and Blogs for Teachers and Students:
Photo By Denise Krebs flickr

All I can stay for this if thank you for whoever made this possible and I thank the teachers who have contributed to information to blogs. I have used teacher’s instructional blogs as a reference to reteach my son subjects he did not understand in class and to get information on how to teach the subjects to him. Such as reading right now we are working on the Main Idea and supporting details. Which details are major details and which ones are minor details this is where he gets confused. I also like you always know what’s going on theirs calenderer's, and worksheets to help reinforce learning and also helpful web links you can go to if you need the extra help.  How teacher’s blog posts have made it more known how schools teach different subjects and the way the teachers teach the students makes a whole lot of difference.

Using Email and Text Messaging as a teacher:

Photo By Brad Garner Flickr
I remember 2011 when my ENC 0028 Professor told me I had to create a Linked in account, a Blogger account, and either a twitter or a Facebook account I was not happy. All I could think to myself was, I am in a writing class why do I need to set up this account? What do they have to do with writing? Little did I know, I was going to use them now? Of course I email my professor asking her about the purpose of the accounts she answers me by email from her cellar phone. When I notice this I was shocked she was different from my others professors she carried around a tablet and did all the grading from her tablet. She told the class the purpose from the account was to introduce us ready for social Networking.  I later learned in my composition two for business class that this is used a lot in the world of business cell phone, emails, memos, and business letters for advertising they use the internet. Now our society cannot live without social networking for personal and business reasons. I like the quick response from professors some use their iPhone and androids and iPads to communicate with us students. And the wide range of resources it offer to students.


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Digital Badge #E

How technology generates problem solving and inquiry learning among students:
As I stated in one of my previous Blogs I think the background design of technology is a part of what caught student’s attention. When it comes to video games and the computer technology background images and audio sounds are appealing to the students senses which is the direct way we receive, respond, and process information.  I also think that technology enforces student centered learning why, the computer act as the teacher. It instructs students in an efficient and effective way which the design of technology convey information. The active engagement comes from the student who receives the information. This requires the mind to think in ways familiar to the students as a result, with the help of technology students then begin to incorporate new knowledge and understanding into their views and values as a result students begin to think critically and solve  problems this help move knowledge from a way of memorizing to knowledge actually learned. Memorization is a way of knowing without learning a way of answering without understanding it takes little thought process. What separates memorization from learning is a sense of meaning. It could be no other way. I have noticed this but I did not know why? I have learned video games separates lower order thinking from higher order thinking. Technology has shown a visual picture that knowledge is not fixed; No we cannot all understand it the same way. A teacher is human who can only teach so much. A computer can reach all the senses at once. This I think is the difference.  I feel this is why something is missing from teacher centered learning. I have now learned from this chapter that my understanding from my experience was right. Technology is moving education from teacher centered learning to Inquiry Based Learning.

 Problem Solving and Inquiry Learning with Technology:  

Inquiry based learning requires students to think mentally outside the normal to understand the world around us. By using real life issues to activity engage students.  This type of learning approves of children being creative and asking questions children are very curious they are rick takers this style of learning lets them be themselves with no right or wrong answers. Students learn how to investigate problems, issues, and questions to which there is not just one answer or predetermined answer students then begin to evaluate information draw their own conclusions and answers. I think that if students take these steps
  • Understand the problem
  •  Use problem solving strategies
  •  Determine if they have solved the problem

Then I think problem based learning is what video games teach children.
Personally this is why I want to be an educator. Life is not like a book that you can read to find an answer to. Real life that we as educators are preparing students to enter rarely have well-structured problems. I know some children have learned this very young their lifestyle has already introduced these problems to them without a full understanding. 

Digital Games For Learning:
          My 3rd grader comes home from school Friday talking about Centers in the classroom. One of the centers is computer center he does compass Learning which has math, science, and Language Art and social studies. When I read about digital learning I thought this must be what his teacher is using to engage the students and reinforce learning. While she is conducting a science lesson from her small group the students are learning their lesson from the interaction from the computer.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Digital Badge #I

Approaches to lesson Planning:

I think the background design of technology is a part of what caught student’s attention. When it comes to video games and the computer technology background images and audio sounds are appealing to the students senses which is the direct way we receive, respond, and process information.  I also think that technology enforces student centered learning why, I think the computer act as the teacher. It instructs students in an efficient and effective way which the design of technology convey information. The active engagement comes from the student who receives the information. This requires the mind to think in ways familiar to the students as a result, with the help of technology students then begin to incorporate new knowledge and understanding into their views and values as a result students begin to think critically and solve  problems this help move knowledge from a way of memorizing to knowledge actually learned. Memorization is a frontage road it’s a detour around all the action, a way of knowing without learning a way of answering without understanding. What separates memorization from learning is a sense of meaning. When you memorize a fact, it's arbitrary, interchangeable it makes no difference to you whether sine of π/2 is one, zero, or a million. But when you learn a fact, it's bound to others by a web of logic. It could be no other way. Technology I think shows the visual picture  that knowledge is not fixed and no we cannot all understand it the same way I feel this is why something is missing from teacher centered learning.

Assessing and evaluating students:
I know there is no simple way to evaluate student’s process in school.  Choosing the lesson, teaching the lesson, evaluating student’s growth progress since there is no definite way that shows students growth, knowing which route to go I think depends on the student individual needs. I know from experience when you begin to work one on one with a child you begin to see their strengths and weaknesses and this is what I think lets you know which one of the two performance assessment method to use.
Using Electronic Grading Software:

I find the virtual record keeping system well like by many students  I can say I personally like it too, I like that I can see the due date for all the assignments for the whole outline of the class semester along with what percentage we assignment is is a somewhat quick way to receive your feedback.

Meeting Educational Standards:
21st century technology in society has made education change where they have lagged behind. In today’s digital world teachers have to convey teaching curriculum with technology to engage students in the classroom. With the mandate on teachers to teach and review large amounts of curriculum teaches have to add technology into their style of teaching with all the pressure placed in them for standardized testing purposes. I think teachers need to have more focus placed on student centered learning. I think with the help of using technology to enhance teaching with instructional practice method however, I do understand that a teacher’s decision in what they teach and how they teach it is to some degree not in their control they have to abide by about four different curriculum standards. National, state, and local school district standards. Personally I think this is where things go wrong when it comes to education and education I think it’s funny how each has a different standard they are not all on one accord. But law enforcement from state to state and county to county if you commit a crime all work together should not education be the same? How do we teach and expect children to be persistent when we as adults are not; we are the ones who set the example for them.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Orlin, B. (2013, September 9). When Memorization Gets in the Way of Learning. Retrieved September 21, 2014, from

Liakos, N. (n.d.). Engrade: An Open-Source Online Gradebook Image. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from

Miss Keith's Adventures in Student Teaching Image. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2014, from

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Digital Badge #C

How technology promotes....
 critical thinking and problem solving

Technology has revolutionized the way we find and learning information. Google and the other search engines has become powerful tool with a broad range of information. Children of the 21st century learn how to read visual images, create and interrupt new ideas starting at a young age some children even ask lots of questions about things about things they have learned from the Television, the internet, video games, or even what they have learned from us as their parents and their teachers. Online learning games,  activities interaction children find engaging and challenging  Because of the interaction between the game activities and the children growing up in the new world of technology children have learned the basics very young of how to access information in their outside of school lives. Even if the information learned is not retrieved in the right way it’s learned without the restrictions of grammar, and does not limit what they have learned. Like when children are first learning how to speak us as parents are so proud of their first couple of word that we ignore the fact that it may not be grammatically correct. Teaching and correcting this come with age progression. I think we as educators sometimes forget this with all the educational  demands placed on students and teachers how children are allowed to develop without trying to rush them along this area of development is an area that we let children take their time and develop. Digital media literacy promote visual learning. In this children learn ways to think critically it requires children to use their brain in a combination of multidimensional ways. Visual literacy I think is important it engages students in active learning. Speaking as a parent this is what helps my son the animations, the singing, and letter recognition and recall from Starfall helped my son learn his Alphabets. He loves the interaction and feedback he receives for the computer that he does not get from a traditional classroom setting.

Expressing Creativity  
Personality Traits I think are the building blocks of creativity within individuals that makes us all unique. Since the 1800’s of traditional education it seemed to me that we are behind the time change where the core curriculum was reading, writing, and arithmetic it was not the norm to express creativity. And if you did it was not the norm. Creativity in our modern 21st century society especially in the world of business, especially in entertainment, culture, and Arts are major areas of creativity. By contrast children and youth of today’s age express creativity intellectually by music, drawing, painting, and building things. They also express creativity physically by expressing an interest in outdoor activities. Such as, skating, biking, playing basketball and football. To Foster creativity in the school environment children are using the computer to express themselves through Microsoft applications, digital videos, Music and Art.  Many people do have learning personalities in which they often express preference for one approach or another. Some people like visual information such as, pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, demonstration; others, auditory input speech or visual symbols of auditory information written words and mathematical notations. Most people prefer to talk things out, to interact with other humans; some, to reflect independently. A majority try to organize information inductively; a minority, deductively. Some students like to learn sequentially, a piece at a time; others, globally, suddenly gaining insights. Some like facts, data, and experimentation sensors; others prefer to work from principles and theories. Sensors like solving problems by standard methods and dislike surprises. intuitors like innovation and dislike repetition. Sensors show patience with details but hate complications; intuitors become bored with details but welcome complications. Sensors are good at memorizing facts; intuitors are good at grasping new concepts. Sensors are careful but may be slow do not work well with timed tests; intuitors are quick but may be careless. but no matter who we are we all express creativity in many different ways. which makes us all creative and unique individuals.  

Communicating And Collaboration 

Information technologies collaborating make communicating in the 21st century possible today. Yes! I like I can have my children’s grades sent to my email before report cards and interim are sent home. I also like knowing my sons assignment for homework and progress in school via email his teacher and I communicating. Collaborating Learning environments are far more important in the educator’s role in employing today’s technologies to make material accessible and engaging in other words, encouraging students to create, communicate, and collaborate in ways never before possible. “Knowing how to use technology is a key requirement today. In students outside of school lives students watch TV, and videos and send text messages, use cell phones for communication and email for the internet play video games which requires children to critical think to move from level to level, and play with remote control toys .These are all ways children use technology outside of school starting at a young age. When communication and collaboration says this technology focus, engage, and motivate learning yes! You can see this area is showing for its self, it does hold children’s outer and inner attention I can see this shown with my son. This form of technology requires children active participation. This way children are directly involved in the learning process which also encourages children to work together I feel that this way children can work together and help each other. Children learn many things from each other sometimes they learn more from each other more than from adults sometimes. I think this way we can also get away from tracking with more cooperative learning. Speaking as a parent, I like this type of learning it reminds me of hands on learning. Which education in times past was trying to fade out hand on learning education wanted to push standardized testing and less hands on learning. However, I have realized that education is back where it started from the things they wanted to do without they are now coming back and reinforcing these ideas I think that the 21st century society has made education change where they have lagged behind.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Digital Badge #B

Using Technology To Enhance Learning:
   Is this another way my 3rd grader is saying to me that he is disengaged? What did you learn in school today? Some math and what was your favorite part of the school day?  His answer to me was what he ate for lunch. And Recess. But, why!  I asked him are you telling me you did not enjoy the topic or skill that you learned about today. Now my mind is spinning and my thoughts where everywhere just trying to figure out what his thoughts about school where and why he felt this way. I have heard this since he was in kindergarten. I know the traditional pencil and paper is not enough to teach him with. I realized this when he first learned his colors. I had to go to the tree and we picked brown tree bark. We also picked green, yellow, and brown leaves. He glued the leaves and tree bark down and made his own picture of the same tree that was outside. I think that technology will help my son because it fits many different learning formats that can engage students with academic material. It’s not uncommon for children to complain once in a while that school is boring. Kids get bored in school because they maybe Under-Challenged. Bright students who don’t need a lot of instruction to master a skill or start out ahead of the rest of the class often complain of being bored at school. What they’re really telling you is they are not being challenged by the work in the classroom. Some children are under motivated an under motivated child is not the same as a lazy child. In some cases, the lack of motivation is tied in to a feeling that what he’s learning isn't personally important, that the learning process has no meaning for him and his life (Morin, 2014) 
 Speaking as a parent I think this is my son. And I think with the help of using technology to enhance teaching with instructional practice method will help my son because teachers are interacting with students directly by using the computer to teach the whole class by showing by visual example I think this could change students interest in academics. Math facts in a flash in Renaissance Place motivated my son to learn his multiplication facts it times him and gave him levels as he mastered the others however, if he does not master that level in under two minutes then he did not go on to the next level. I like this program because this is a school program that we can access from home everything is familiar to him I can see all the levels he mastered at school and at home this program is also used for Accelerated Reading,  He likes this program he wanted to learn this way more than using his paper flash cards to learn his facts for 3rd grade this program was first introduced to him in 2nd grade.

 Barriers to Technology usage:

If the superintendent or the principal says, “Teachers, we are going to use technology in our school, but you decide how and when,” then failure to adopt is assured. There is shortage of excuses for not taking the time to integrate technology into one’s classroom. It takes leadership to say teachers we are going to use technology in our school and this is not optional .Teachers need the support of Administration; from the lack of updated technology to the lack of computers to students. These are still problems within public schools. They have gotten better but the Lack of money is also a problem. If something is considered important surprise, surprise school administrators find the money for that something. Technology must be considered important Yes, there is no new money. So what are schools doing now that they need to stop doing in order to pay for the technology? In other words not only do teachers need Administration to help support them they also need their help financially for Curriculum materials. With the mandate on teachers to teach and review large amounts of curriculum teaches do not have the time to add technology into their style of teaching with all the pressure placed in them for testing purposes however teacher who may only teach one subject matter may be able to incorporate technology into their style of teaching a lot quicker than a teacher who as more than one subject area to teach.

Student And Their Technologies:
Today students uses technology not only in school but they also use it at home. Students today are as the book way “Digital Natives" who have grown up with tablet, smartphones, and mp3 players for music to iPod’s. Today we as people want right now service, I call it! Because of technology we have become use to this way of life kids today do not know what it’s like to live without technology. Computer and online experience has positively influenced student’s attitude about using technology to learn. I know this to be true my 5th grader likes to use my smartphone as a dictionary instead of going to get the dictionary and looking up her spelling word definitions. When I asked her to look them up in the dictionary She looked at me as though what‘s wrong with you. Many of today's teens spend much of their time with their faces buried in a computer monitor or smart phone. I know us as parents and teacher do not like the idea of the internet as a tool for learning being that it has been used as a way of fun for children and teens we see it as an entertainment source. I could not agree more in this case, however, I do see the benefits it could have if it was used in a productive manner.    


Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Morin, A. (2014). 4 Reasons Kids Are Bored at School (And What to Do). Retrieved from

Norris, C., & Soloway, E. (2011, December 11). The 10 Barriers to Technology Adoption.